A l’inverse, en France, le nombre d’armes à feu a drastiquement baissé : de 19 millions en 2006 à 10 millions en 2016 soit de 31,2 armes pour 100 habitants à 14,96. Même si on tient compte dans ce chiffre de ceux qui utilisent une arme à feu au travail, il reste probable que la proportion soit inférieure à 5 p. 100 (Block, 1998, p. 12-13; Gabor, 1997, p. 5; Sacco, 1995). Le taux de meurtres aux USA est de 5,2 meurtres pour 100 000 habitants en 2015. (Q3244)Full Citation, OAS.1997.‘Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Explosives, Ammunition and Other Related Materials (CIFTA): Signatures and Ratifications.’ Organization of American States, Department of International Law.Washington, DC:Organization of American States,14 November. (Q1631)Full Citation, Canada.2010.‘Regulations - Marking.’ Firearms Act S.C 1995 c.39 (Act Current to 10 February 2010).Ottawa:Ministry of Justice,10 February. /$/Z/ / / 050l0 0 1 1J1 1 1 2*2c2 2 3 3F3 3 3 4+4e4 4 5 5M5 5 5 676r6 6 7$7`7 7 8 8P8 8 9 9B9 9 9 :6:t: : ;-;k; ; ' >`> > ?!?a? (Q4845)Full Citation, Canada.2015.‘Special Cases - Persons.’ Firearms Act S.C 1995 c.39 (Act Current to 10 February 2010).Ottawa:Ministry of Justice,18 June. Gun Rights Truly Are American Exceptionalism.’ Bloomberg (USA). National Report of Canada on its Implementation of the United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (UNPoA) and the International Tracing Instrument (ITI). Estimating Global Civilian-Held Firearms Numbers. ‘Order Declaring an Amnesty Period (2006).’. UN Comtrade International Trade Statistics Database. (Q10905)Full Citation, Canada.2014.‘Order Declaring an Amnesty Period (2006).’ Order Declaring an Amnesty Period (2006) SOR/2006-95 (Regulations are current to 10 September 2015).Ottawa ON:Minister of Justice,15 May. ‘Number of Privately Owned Firearms.’ Definition and Selection Criteria.Sydney School of Public Health, 12 December. Our main goals are to refine and update the Koala Habitat Atlas mapping of all wild Koala habitat and to get the Koala Protection Act enacted to ensure Koalas and their habitat are protected. (Q10801)Full Citation, Canada.2012.‘Marking at Import.’ National Report of Canada on its Implementation of the United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (UNPoA) and the International Tracing Instrument (ITI).New York NY:Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations,1 January. Armes à autorisation restreinte et prohibées, 1978-2004 Nombre de certificats d’enregistrement et taux (par 100 000 habitants) ANNÉE Total cumulatif1 Taux 1978 725 421 3 027 1979 751 775 3 106 1980 750 000 3 059 1981 756 549 3 048 Il semble, sur la foi des données de l’étude SIVC, qu’il soit plus courant de posséder des armes à feu dans certaines régions du globe que dans d’autres. La question de savoir dans quelle mesure les Canadiens possèdent des armes à feu pour se défendre contre des criminels ou des animaux suscite quelque controverse, mais les résultats des études ont toujours montré que la proportion des Canadiens qui en possèdent surtout pour se défendre ou se protéger est très faible. Adoptés en 2015, ils définissent une vision du développement dont la paix et la sécurité font partie intégrale. le nombre d’entreprises dans le secteur des armes à feu aurait diminué de près de 42 p. 100 entre 1988 et 1996. (Q1405)Full Citation, Canada.1998.‘Possession and Acquisition Licenses for Firearms.’ Firearms Licences Regulations SOR/98-199.Ottawa:Ministry of Justice,24 March. ‘Estimated Number of Illicit Firearms.’ Definition and Selection Criteria.Sydney School of Public Health, 24 January. Canada: la législation sur le contrôle des armes à feu comprend la loi sur les armes à feu. Gonzales, Maribel, and Elizabeth Mandelman. Le taux annuel d'homicides par arme à feu est de 2,97 % sur 100 000 personnes, soit trois fois plus que dans la plupart des autres nations considérées comme "riches" par l'OCDE. moyenne, 819 décès à chaque année , ce qui représente un taux de 2,6 décès par 100 000 habitants (Statistique Canada, 2010a). Ces résultats ont été confirmés depuis par les données SIVC (Block, 1998), car près de 73 p. 100 des répondants ont dit posséder des armes à feu pour pratiquer la chasse. Age moyen, durée, courbe d… (Q13952)Full Citation, Picard, Michael, Paul Holtom and Fiona Mangan.2019.‘Annexe A1: Annual Authorized Small Arms and Light Weapons Exports by Major Exporter.’ Trade Update 2019: Transfers, Transparency, and South-east Asia Spotlight.Geneva:Small Arms Survey, the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva,12 December. (Q10904)Full Citation, Canada.2012.‘Confiscation and Seizure.’ National Report of Canada on its Implementation of the United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (UNPoA) and the International Tracing Instrument (ITI).New York NY:Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations,1 January. Palmarès mondial du nombre de meurtres . (Q10832)Full Citation, Canada.2012.‘Transportation of Restricted Firearms and Prohibited Handguns by Businesses Regulations.’ Storage, Display and Transportation of Firearms and Other Weapons by Businesses Regulations SOR/98-210 (Act current to 10 September 2015).Ottawa ON:Ministry of Justice,30 November. 2.3 Comparaisons internationales sur la possession d’armes à feu, 2.5 Facteurs liés à la possession d’armes à feu, Division de la recherche et de la statistique. Les taux les plus élevés sont observés dans le Nouveau Monde et en Europe occidentale; viennent ensuite l’Amérique latine, les pays en transition, l’Afrique et l’Asie (Alvazzi del Frate, 1997, p. 13)[1]. Gun Rights Truly Are American Exceptionalism.’, ‘Eligibility to Hold Licences - Special Cases - Prohibited Firearms.’. (Q13513)Full Citation, Canada.2012.‘Surplus.’ National Report of Canada on its Implementation of the United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (UNPoA) and the International Tracing Instrument (ITI).New York NY:Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations,1 January. L’auteur de la recherche bibliographique précédente signalait qu’« il est difficile d’établir le nombre précis d’armes à feu utilisables à partir de sources officielles ou au moyen d’enquêtes » (Gabor, 1994, p. 9) et que toute mesure du volume des armes à feu au Canada était une « estimation approximative » (id., p.10). Defence Production Act R.S.C., 1985, c. D-1 (Act Current to 30 August 2015). (Q10799)Full Citation, Canada.2014.‘Export Permits.’ Export and Import Permits Act R.S.C., 1985, c. E-19 (Act Current to 30 August 2015).Ottawa ON:Senate and House of Commons of Canada,1 October. Small Arms Survey 2001: Profiling the Problem. Les habitants des petites localités sont plus susceptibles d’avoir des armes d’épaule que ceux des grandes villes : 33,6 p. 100 contre 1,2 p. 100 (Block, 1998, p. 24). Criminal Code R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46 (Act current to 30 August 2015). (Q5)Full Citation, GunPolicy.org.2016.‘Calculated Rates - Canada.’ Historical Population Data - USCB International Data Base.Suitland, MD:US Census Bureau Population Division,19 December. (Q10828)Full Citation, Canada.2012.‘Transportation of Restricted Firearms by Individuals Regulations.’ Storage, Display, Transportation and Handling of Firearms by Individuals Regulations SOR/98-209 (Act current to 10 September 2015).Ottawa ON:Ministry of Justice,30 November. (Q4841)Full Citation, Canada.2010.‘Records of the Registrar.’ Firearms Act S.C 1995 c.39 (Act current to 25 November 2012 and last amended on 5 April 2012).Ottawa:Ministry of Justice,10 February. ‘Ranking of World's Small Arms Producers (By Sales).’. Dans son sondage de 1991, Angus Reid a demandé aux répondants combien d’armes à feu les membres du ménage possédaient. La légitime défense est rarement présentée comme la raison principale. (Q10783)Full Citation, Canada.2015.‘Transfer Without Authority.’ Criminal Code R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46 (Act current to 30 August 2015).Ottawa ON:Senate and House of Commons of Canada,23 July. ‘Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.’. ‘Authorized Exportation and Importation - Businesses.’. (Q10825)Full Citation, Canada.2008.‘Legislation, Regulations, Administrative Procedures.’ National Report of Canada on its Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (UNPoA).New York, NY:Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations,1 July. (Q10827)Full Citation, Canada.2012.‘Transportation of Non-Restricted Firearms by Individuals Regulations.’ Storage, Display, Transportation and Handling of Firearms by Individuals Regulations SOR/98-209 (Act current to 10 September 2015).Ottawa ON:Ministry of Justice,30 November. Deux études internationales, l’Étude internationale des Nations Unies sur la réglementation des armes à feu (EINURAF) (Nations Unies, 1998) et le SIVC (Alvazzi del Frate, 1997; Block, 1998), ont montré que le nombre de propriétaires d’armes à feu variait considérablement d’un pays à l’autre. (Q9211)Full Citation, Canada.2014.‘Valid Licences as of December 2013 - December 2008.’ Canadian Firearm Program: Facts and Figures Archives (October - December 2013 - October - December 2008).Ottawa:Royal Canadian Mounted Police,17 March. Autriche. (Q4851)Full Citation, Canada.2015.‘Registration Certificate.’ Firearms Act S.C 1995 c.39 (Act Current to 10 September 2015).Ottawa ON:Ministry of Justice,2 September. Plus récemment, le Sondage international sur les victimes de la criminalité (SIVC) de 1996, qui n’a pas porté sur les deux territoires, a montré que 35,8 p. 100 des ménages des provinces atlantiques possédaient des armes à feu alors que le sondage Angus Reid en donnait 32 p. 100. (Q10883)Full Citation, Canada.2010.‘Exemptions from Registration.’ Controlled Goods Regulations SOR/2001-32 (Regulations are current to 10 September 2015).Ottawa ON:Minister of Justice,10 December. Les résultats des enquêtes sont assez réguliers, mais il est possible qu’ils sous-estiment la présence des armes à feu au Canada. Définition: Cette entrée comprend le chiffre correspondant à la différence entre le nombre de personnes entrant dans un pays et quittant un pays au cours de l'année pour 1 000 personnes (sur la base de la population au milieu de l'année). (Q10826)Full Citation, Canada.2012.‘Transportation of Restricted Weapons, Prohibited Devices and Prohibited Ammunition by Businesses Regulations.’ Storage, Display and Transportation of Firearms and Other Weapons by Businesses Regulations SOR/98-210 (Act current to 10 September 2015).Ottawa ON:Ministry of Justice,30 November. Marco Rubio Says Second Amendment Is Unique in Speech to NRA. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (Q2109)Full Citation, Canada.2014.‘Deaths, by Cause: External Causes of Morbidity and Mortality, Canada, 2000-2011 (All ages and genders).’ CANSIM Database.Ottawa:Statistics Canada,28 January. L’absence de mesures plus précises peut limiter les recherches sur l’impact social des armes à feu appartenant à des civils. Find information security including guides, security bulletin, news, white papers and other resources for your Xerox equipment and software. ... Canada. (Q11128)Full Citation, Canada.2012.‘Firearms Seized by Public Service Agencies (Class of Firearm) - Canada 2012.’ Commissioner of Firearms Report, 2012.Ottawa ON:Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canadian Firearms Program,1 January. (Q13354)Full Citation, Canada.2014.‘Homicide Survey, Homicides Involving Firearms, by Type of Firearm, Canada, 1998 to 2013.’ CANSIM Database.Ottawa:Statistics Canada,1 December. (Q10800)Full Citation, Canada.2014.‘Keeping Records.’ Export and Import Permits Act R.S.C., 1985, c. E-19 (Act Current to 30 August 2015).Ottawa ON:Senate and House of Commons of Canada,1 October. (Q11071)Full Citation, Rigual, Christelle.2015.‘Annexe 4.1: Major Exporters.’ Small Arms Survey 2015: Weapons and the World.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press and the Small Arms Survey, the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva,1 June. D’après l’étude, 95 p. 100 des ménages canadiens possédant des armes à feu ont une arme d’épaule et moins de 12 p. 100, des armes de poing. Estimating Global Law Enforcement Firearms Numbers. ‘Improvised and Craft-produced Small Arms: Sub-machine Guns.’. (Q1414)Full Citation, Canada.2010.‘Regulations - Gun Shows.’ Firearms Act S.C 1995 c.39 (Act Current to 10 February 2010).Ottawa:Ministry of Justice,10 February. (Q14070)Full Citation, Holtom, Paul and Christelle Rigual.2015.‘Trends in Small Arms Imports per Top Importer and for All Importers, as Reported to UN Comtrade, 2001-2012.’ Small Arms Survey 2015: Weapons and the World.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press and the Small Arms Survey, the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva,1 June. (Q10884)Full Citation, Canada.2010.‘Security Assessment.’ Controlled Goods Regulations SOR/2001-32 (Regulations are current to 10 September 2015).Ottawa ON:Minister of Justice,10 December. United Nations International Crime & Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), ‘Firearm Facts and figures (October - December 2014).’, ‘Valid Licences as of December 2013 - December 2008.’. Estimating Global Military-Owned Firearms Numbers. (Q10788)Full Citation, Canada.2008.‘Legislation, Regulations, Administrative Procedures.’ National Report of Canada on its Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (UNPoA).New York, NY:Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations,1 July. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). La proportion des ménages canadiens possédant des armes à feu varie considérablement d’une région à l’autre. International Action Network on Small Arms and the Biting the Bullet project, ‘National Reports on Small Arms Exports.’. Impacts of common carp movement and habitat selection on wild rice restoration in Michigan . Le Yémen, avec 53 armes à feu par 100 personnes, est en deuxième place, alors qu’on en compte 35 par 100 habitants au Canada. (Q4840)Full Citation, Canada.2012.‘Display of Restricted Firearms and Prohibited Firearms by Individuals Regulations.’ Storage, Display, Transportation and Handling of Firearms by Individuals Regulations SOR/98-209 (Act current to 10 September 2015).Ottawa ON:Ministry of Justice,30 November. Proceeds are used to help build … Cynthia écrira a TSR pour que soit édité un nouveau deities and demigod parce qu elle les a tous tué, a l exception de son frere Fred. ? 14 August. (Q1309)Full Citation, IANSA.2006.‘Reviewing Action on Small Arms 2006: Assessing the first five years of the UN Programme of Action.’ Biting the Bullet 'Red Book' 2006.New York, NY:International Action Network on Small Arms and the Biting the Bullet project,26 June. Shop your parts online and pick up at any of our 600 NAPA Auto parts store in Canada. ‘Authorizations to Transport Restricted Firearms and Prohibited Firearms Regulations.’. (Q4)Full Citation, van Dijk, Jan, John van Kesteren and Paul Smit.2007.‘Ownership of Firearms and Handguns in Countries and Main Cities (percentages): 1989-2005 ICVS and 2005 EU ICS.’ Criminal Victimisation in International Perspective: Key findings from the 2004-2005 ICVS and EU ICS.Vienna:United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime / UNODC,1 January. (Q11068)Full Citation, Holtom, Paul and Christelle Rigual.2015.‘Importers of Small Arms Based on UN Comtrade, 2012.’ Small Arms Survey 2015: Weapons and the World.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press and the Small Arms Survey, the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva,1 June. (Q4828)Full Citation, Canada.2011.‘Measures Taken for Undertaking Traces and Responding to Tracing Requests.’ National Report of Canada on its Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (UNPoA).New York, NY:Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations,4 May. 2016. National Report of Canada on its Implementation of the United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (UNPoA). Firearms Licences Regulations SOR/98-199 (Regulations are current to 30 September 2015). Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development. (N663) Full Citation, Canada.2015.‘Firearm Facts and figures (October - December 2014).’ Canadian Firearms Program web site.Ottawa, ON:Royal Canadian Mounted Police,2 March. (Q10830)Full Citation, GunPolicy.org. National Report of Canada on its Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (UNPoA). (Q1403)Full Citation, Canada.1998.‘Possession Licences for Firearms - Individual Less than 18 Years Old.’ Firearms Licences Regulations SOR/98-199.Ottawa:Ministry of Justice,24 March. Là encore, l’auteur observe des variations régionales quant au type d’arme à feu que les répondants déclarent posséder. Statistiques du Canada. (Q13512)Full Citation, Canada.2017.‘Firearms Seized, by Public Service Agencies, by Class, 2016.’ 2016 Commissioner of Firearms Report.Ottawa ON:Royal Canadian Mounted Police,16 May. (Q13514)Full Citation, Canada.2015.‘Confiscation and Seizure.’ National Report of Canada on its Implementation of the United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (UNPoA).New York NY:Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations,1 January.